I am back. I was away for a long long time. I feel it is very difficult to maintain one's blog.Often there is nothing to write about while on other occasions the urge to pen down one's thoughts issimply not there. Blogging is a dificult hobby to maintain!
The last few weeks were pretty boring and monotonous. However some events occurred which made an indelible impression on my mind and memory. One of my close friends and wingmate Mulukutla Bhanu Chandra got scholarship scholarship to study in U.S. Infact he has got two schols.
I was in my room wasting away my time on the computer. Suddenly I heard a scream, Manas( another wingmate and close friend)came running to inform ki " Bhanu ka app lag giya." All the wingmates came running to his room, where he was reading the mail from the University of Delaware. The amount of schol was a whooping $24,000. I never had much idea about schols and apps but I came to knowthat the schol amount is one of the highest one can get for pursuing post graduate studies in U.S. The University of Delaware is ranked 8th in Bhanu's field which happens to be Computational Fluid Dynamics.( he is in Chemical engg by the way).After a grand round of GPL's we all proceeded to the eternal Chedis where Bhanu gave a treat of Maggi and streaming coffee.
Now, I happen to know this chap for a long time. Infact we met on our very first day at IIT during the registration process. He was my wingmate in first year too. At that time he was not in Chemical but in Exploration Geophysics. However through sheer dedication and hardwork he manged to get a coveted
dept change. Before coming to kgp i had never seen any person working so hard. I was mesmerised by the sheer amount of labour and dedication he put in. It seemed as if entire left depended on it and he had " no boat to return".
Even i harboured dreams of a dept change in the first sem. However all such dreams and aspirations vanished as soon as I got a computer in the second semester. The entire atmosphere dramatically changed as soon as computerswere introduced. Games like NFS( Need For Speed), AOE( Age of Empires) and FIFA became the order of the day. However Bhanu remained totally unmoved with this whoopla going on around at that time. He simply stuck to his work.Myself gave up studies and dedicated my waking hours to learning the tricks of computer games. As a result my sgpa reached its
nadir........the lowest of my career uptill now.
Some days similar shouts of euphoria was heard from Bhanu's room again.This time he had got another schol from none other than the University of Minessota( Rank No: 1 in CFD).Now he has also got a 4 lac job in EIL. This was a real life success story which I have viewed from close quarters.
He did not do that well in GRE and was very frustrated in the last semester. But he never lost hope and continued his workwith renewed vigour and zeal. I believe one should always try to inbibe and learn the good points from everyone.
I learnt a number of things from my friend.
1)Never to lose hope when things are not going right for you. Always keep a smiling face though it is easier said than done.
2)Hard work and hard work alone ( in the right direction obviously) is the only key to success.
3)Always try your level best and leave the rest to God. This way you will never repent for any missed chances.
4)Always have a backup plan in case your primary plan does not live upto expectations.
5)The 3D's (discipline,dedication,devotion) along with proper self motivation goes into the making of a winner.
Though I learnt many a valuable lesson only time will be able to tell whether I can actually put
them into practice.
I congratulate Bhanu Chandra and wish him all the best !